Just Some Spring Flowers

spring flowers - crocus in the garden
In the garden

It’s good to see the spring flowers. And the sunshine. As illness recedes a little along with the winter.


Ethereal and spellbinding

Romans + Celts = some rather complicated romance!

Set in 1st century Scotland, the novel features a neurodivergent main character, chosen sisters, fierce warriors and the battle of Mons Graupius between the Romans and the Caledonian tribes.

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    12 Replies to “Just Some Spring Flowers”

        1. Just finished! What a wonderful journey and very affecting. It is a mysterious time period, entering it felt like an almost mystical experience. I can only imagine how it must have been to write! I think I might have seen one of the stone balls you described, at National Museum of Scotland in the “Early People” gallery? Very fascinating objects, and what a pleasure to have them brought to life again in such a moving way. In any event, hope you are feeling well and thank you for bringing this story into the world!

          1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It was deeply affecting to write too. And yes, the National Museum of Scotland does have some magnificent examples of the stone balls. The Towie Ball, in particular, is most impressive.

    1. Thanking you for stopping by my Blog, that lead me to find YOUR Blog. Beautiful flowers, I agree, flowers lift our spirits. Your book sounds interesting, Romans (I’m Italian background.) and learning about Scotland – very good. Right now, I have a lot going on with writing my own children’s book; however, I will add your book to my list of books to read. I’m sure I will enjoy it. I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland. I was just in Ireland, my daughter went to College there, she loved it.

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