A Book Nook in a Pink House

pink house and a book nook

Yesterday, on Doors Open Day, I visited the Pink House in Banff and its very beautiful book nook.

Merchant's House, Banff

Date of House

More officially known as the Merchant’s House, this lovely building’s date of origin is a little uncertain. The other houses in the row were all built in 1575, but the Pink House has this declaration on its wall:


A mistake may have been made.

But, oh: a turret!


The Interior


I passed through bedrooms with beautiful wallpaper and entered the courtyard garden.

pink house and book nook from courtyard

The owner of the house told me about the historically authentic paint, made with ox blood, and she also pointed out the books in that higher window to the right.

The Book Nook

book nook

Much as I wanted to just stay there in the nook – or perhaps even live in it – there were other places to explore.

Door to the loft and turret room:

medieval door

In the turret:

inside the turret


loft of pink house

Robert Burns is said to have slept in the loft while working as an excise man in Banff. It was the only place in the house that felt a little creepy.

I did miss a few rooms. Though the owner assured me I could explore everywhere, I was aware that her family were having breakfast in the kitchen, and it just felt too intrusive to go through there.

windows within windows - book nook

The house as seen through the gate of the medieval graveyard across the street:

medieval graveyard, pink house with book nook

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37 Replies to “A Book Nook in a Pink House”

  1. The owner keeps it very clean, considering it’s painted with ox blood on the outside. I always wonder about the original owners of old homes. Was this always a residence? Oh, and the lovely book nook . . . sigh.

    1. There is some evidence that the ground floor of the property may originally have been a one-storey monastic building. It’s a really old area of Banff, that.

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