Quiet Festive Moments

festive moments: holly

The quietest of the festive moments: picking lovely, shiny holly on Christmas Eve.

festive moments: lights on boats

Christmas lights on boats at the harbour.

festive moments: the beach

Scaring seagulls early in the morning at the beach. Always festive.

I hope you’re enjoying some good moments too, festive or otherwise!

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The Performance: sometimes going home for Christmas is just one huge performance…

When Ariel returns home from dance college, her mother expects her to perform the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in a pink, sequined tutu in front of many, many party guests. Ariel adjusts the costume and choreography to expose dark truths about her life, but, as it turns out, this is not the biggest performance of the night… 

The Performance, a short story by Ailish Sinclair. Get it free for newsletter sign-up.

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