Harvest Time in Scotland

harvest time in scotland
Harvest time

One day the barley is there, swaying gently in the breeze. The next day it’s cut, and harvest time is here.

harvest time - cut barley

I love the smell of the ripe crop at this time of year, the scent, briefly intensified by cutting. I will try to get photos of the bales when they appear, but the farmer is super quick in removing them these days. They are beautiful in the landscape, though, so my ears are pricked, waiting for the sound of the baling machines…

Next day edit: bale picture!

A Harvest Time Panorama from a Previous Year

Click the image for a larger view.

A Dancer’s Journey

A Dancer's Journey by Ailish Sinclair

He’s a damaged diva, used to getting his own way. She’s an autistic ballet girl who speaks her truth without tact. What could possibly go wrong?

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Scotland’s all misty lochs and magical forests and perfect boyfriends, right?

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her rich, handsome teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his new school in Scotland…

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9 Replies to “Harvest Time in Scotland”

  1. Beautiful. I can smell the hay. In the middle of the U.S. it was alfalfa in olden days July, when my father would take our family to the grandparent’s farm to help with the haying. It caused an annual reunion of cousins around the huge harvest table — a forever gift of memory. Thanks for this reminiscence. Write on — your histories and photos are beautiful.

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