Purple sea rocket on an overcast day. The air was warm. And still. And the flowers smelled sweet.

Sea rocket is edible, but I have not tried it. The leaves do look a little like regular rocket.

The sea was cold, but it was so good to be out in nature, to feel the sand sinking away beneath my feet as the waves splashed my legs.

And the light was beautiful.
Writing Update
Everything is going well with the next series. All major edits have been done on the first two books and I’m now working on the third, Alexander’s book, and he’s giving me some trouble. If you’ve read Fouetté, you will have met Alexander and may not be surprised by this. Poor boy. He does have rather a bizarre backstory and a lot to cope with.
Molly reviewed Fouetté recently: Throughout reading the book, I exclaimed aloud in disbelief, I laughed, I whooped, I shook with consternation, I held my breathe in anticipation, my pulse raced in excitement, I nearly wept! I felt ALL of the feelings.

About the new series
Each book follows a different student at the castle school as they go through various adventures and appear on different television shows. The main characters of A Dancer’s Journey feature in the background. In many ways this is a much gentler series of stories, though the characters are all dealing with dark issues from their pasts.
When will it be out? Time and health will tell!
A little more sea rocket:

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Another great post.
Thank you 🙂
How beautiful, Ailish. I don’t recall seeing anything like sea rocket on this side of the Atlantic, wild roses grew everywhere when I lived in Plymouth. I would love, love to have a day at a cool beach where I could walk in the water!
It was really lovely.
I never heard of this flower, what a cool name for something this beautiful
It is a great wee plant.
Seems like you had a lovely day.
Just a brief visit.
Wonderful pictures, Ailish. I can’t smell the flowers, but they look like they smell sweet. The color of the light at the beach is beautiful.
I’m not a gambler, but I bet Alexander’s book will be fantastic.
I hope so. His voice is quite different to any character I’ve written before.
So beautiful flowers. White colour flower I like.
I like them too 🙂
Thank you so much!
Wow I’ve never heard of this but will look out for it in the future!
It’s an unassuming little plant, but quite stunning when you look closely.