Misty Woods, Misty Hills

Misty woods in Aberdeenshire

I’ve been walking in the misty woods between final read-throughs of manuscripts.

walking in the misty woods

Stretching and breathing after long stints at my desk. Striding along the narrow paths, and heading for the pink sunset…

misty woods at sunset

Misty Hills

The background photo below was taken on a misty morning at the top of Bennachie, the hill that features in Sisters at the Edge of the World. The cover of the book includes my own photos of stones from Aikey Brae Stone Circle.

SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD with a misty mountain view

From the misty hills of ancient Scotland emerges a tale of love, betrayal, and the fight for freedom. Join Morragh in Sisters at the Edge of the World for an unforgettable journey.

Paperback and Kindle and on Kindle Unlimited here on Amazon

When Morragh speaks to another person for the very first time, she has no idea that he is an invader in her land...

“Ethereal and spellbinding…” Historical Novel Society

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The Performance: sometimes going home for Christmas is just one huge performance…

When Ariel returns home from dance college, her mother expects her to perform the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in a pink, sequined tutu in front of many, many party guests. Ariel adjusts the costume and choreography to expose dark truths about her life, but, as it turns out, this is not the biggest performance of the night… 

The Performance, a short story by Ailish Sinclair. Get it free for newsletter sign-up.

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Ailish Sinclair stares out to sea

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16 Replies to “Misty Woods, Misty Hills”

  1. Beautiful photos. Looks the perfect place to be after a long stint editing. We have a heatwave here in SE Queensland. It was 37° yesterday. Far too hot to concentrate on rewriting my novel I published 10 years ago. I’ll wait until it cools a bit

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