Every morning. Every evening. Lots of words. Checking, checking, checking. Not just me. Others too. Lots of eyes.

There are hundreds of these peacock butterflies in the garden just now. Their wings look like paintings. I love the colours.

And ARCs. Advance reader copies. I’m doing those this time. Bookish people can apply here if they like.
Historical Fiction
I’ve been forgetting to mention these books, and all their many words, lately, so here they are.

They combine little-known dark events with love stories and a hint of magic.
- SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD: ancient battle, neurodiversity and forbidden romance.
- THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR: witchcraft, a stone circle, a castle and six chapters of medieval Christmas.
- FIREFLIES AND CHOCOLATE: kidnapping, friendship and chocolate.
“Ethereal and spellbinding….” Historical Novel Society
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Read all about little old me here!