The Space Between Dunes

Between the dunes. There’s just the sea breeze and me.

looking through the dunes at the sea

I’m looking out across the ocean. Walking down through the coarse grasses, feeling their roughness with my fingertips. As people must have done for as long as people have existed.

18th century.

16th century.

When the Romans were here.



Then there’s listening. The incoming tide, the waves pulling back from the beach. It feels like a healing sound. I wish it could be prescribed to everyone as needed.

The light is silvery over the dunes now.

No health concerns. No book stuff.

Just me. And the sea.

silvery light over the dunes

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dunes silhouetted

Beach featured: Fraserburgh.

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76 Replies to “The Space Between Dunes”

  1. A wonderful article … to see the places where history went, to know that you were there and wrote about it … it’s twice as good … very good! We can’t travel here in the Czech Republic due to the virus … I just made an unexpected trip, thank you! 🙂

  2. Glad the health problems have gone and that you’re feeling better. May the creative juices now flow and the next book be well on its way to publication!

  3. I think this was a very sensible post! The ocean is a balm to the soul. I live very far from the ocean, but very near to one of the Great Lakes and it is very soothing to walk along Lake Michigan beaches and watch the water and listen to the waves.

  4. It really looks a lot like here at our place, does it not? Scotland just has the advantage also to have mountains at its disposal 🙂 . Our highest mountain is 174 metres or so … haha. And we call it mountain, while in Scotland you call these impressive rocks “hills”.

  5. Being a natural redhead, and so, easily sunburned you’d think I’d hide from the sun and the beach. But there is something magical about the beach and the ocean. The smells and the textures and the sounds are enchanting..Thanks for the photos.

  6. :D. For myself? I find ‘this post’ infinitely sensible! :D. but then, I find beauty and awe in the drought ridden plains or quiet pastures full of soapweed, native grasses, cactus, etc. some plants of which, are considered a ‘concern’ for ecosystem health, as they thrive when the drought years come – and grass doesn’t grow as tall or green – 😀

      1. The years conservationists bemoaned the spread of yucca and mullein is logged in my brain, just as surely as is the information of “cattle will eat/survive off yucca blossoms in dry/hard years” and mullein is a powerful herb for aiding in respiratory health and grows in poor, dry soil/disturbed/depleted areas where soil rebuilding is needed.” – I cannot, for myself, get either side to understand fully, the other side of the argument, but I’m GLAD you saw beauty in the words I shared – that gives me ‘hope’ for future conversations! 😀

          1. Yup – and forced into a certain space, for certain needs and engineered past their natural life, for human needs – – which is my personal issue over rampant, vegans who get mad at me for eating meat – sigh – – I’ve been told often, over the past few years, if I wanted to eat worms, no one would care – SERIOUSLY? DO THEY NOT KNOW WORMS help plants/the soil?!?! LOL – – So much of modern, online, belief systems continues to confuse me mightily an I’m certain “I’m missing something’ along the way on points made, but often? I just cannot find out what I’m missing, from those I trust are not missing things, either – – LOL

  7. So lovely. I am also enjoying that your dunes — so far away — look so much like the Great Lakes dunes at the bottom of Lake Michigan much closer to home.

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