Shortest Day, Longest Shadows

Berrybrae Stone Circle on the shortest day of the year

It’s the shortest day of the year today, the Winter Solstice. It always feels reflective to me, this marker on the turn of the wheel, the earth, the sun. The photo above was taken at Berrybrae Stone Circle here in Aberdeenshire on another, sunnier, shortest day.

Northern standstill moon as seen from Aberdeenshire, close to the winter solstice 2024, the shortest day

And that’s the Northern Major Lunar Standstill, taken a few days ago. This is when the moon reaches its most northerly rising position on the horizon. It happens every 18.5 years. The southern one occurred in June, and it’s thought that our recumbent stone circles up here are aligned to that southern moon rising. So, it feels special to me.

There have been some great skies recently.

winter skies near the shortest day of the year.

I like that some things are coming to fruition now in this dark time of the year, things that generally take me a long time to complete. And, as ever, it has been years in the making. A new book series. It’s finally ready. Just about.

This is the quiet time of the stories, the time when it’s only me and publishing professionals that have seen the manuscripts.

My heart is safe and hidden on this shortest day as I look up at the sky.

trees and sky

But soon…

Castle Dancers Series by Ailish Sinclair

Meet Ariel and her classmates, Bubbles and Alexander, along with a whole cast of vibrant characters, as they experience love, life and adventure at the most prestigious dance school in Scotland.

Each book in this coming-of-age series delves into the personal struggles and heartfelt romances of a different student over the course of a school year. As the spotlight shifts its focus within the old walls of the castle, there are television shows to be made and dark truths to be faced.

Join these young dancers as they whirl through their challenges, forge unbreakable bonds, and discover the power within themselves. Are you ready to travel to Northern Scotland, step into the castle school and dance through the deep dark of the dungeon?

Castle Dancers Series on Amazon UK

Castle Dancers Series on Amazon Worldwide

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Ailish Sinclair

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There will be a free short story going out in the next mailing (probably between Christmas and New Year). The Performance: sometimes going home for Christmas is just one huge performance…

Short story: The Performance

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