A Completed Series and Christmas at the Castle

A completed series: A Dancer's Journey by Ailish Sinclair
Christmas at the castle. A Dancer's Journey is now a completed series

Yes. Phew. *Lies down, exhausted* A Dancer’s Journey is now a completed series. Ready to binge.

The photo above shows the fireplace in the music room at Fyvie Castle, previously glimpsed here.

Dance and Despair

I have a new article up on the Women Writers, Women‘s Books site: Dance and Despair: Writing What You Know It discusses some of the inspiration behind the Dancer’s Journey series.

“I was drawing from my own life, yes, but it also felt like I was tapping into a wider female knowledge, one that can be hard to speak about. I had to do it justice. I had to get it right.”

Christmas at the Castle

There’s a Christmas party at the fictional castle in the third book, Fouetté, which is out today.

Fouetté, out today

It was really difficult to find a quote that wasn’t also a spoiler, so here’s a short, slightly edited, one from that party:

Running in high heels was not fun. Neither was pursuing an inebriated nemesis.

The theatre was empty. I walked on up the corridor and found her bent forward over the edge of the swimming pool, gazing into its dimly lit blue depths. The light illuminated us from below, creating an intimate effect, maybe encouraging the telling of deep truths.

One step forward, and she would fall in…

Below is a window from the music room at Fyvie, replete with seasonal poinsettias.

A Christmas window and a completed series

An Interview with Amalphia Treadwell

That Wee Writing Lassie is asking her cheeky questions again, but this time it’s to the main character of the books, not me. See her blog series here.

A Dancer’s Journey: a completed series

A Dancer's Journey series by Ailish Sinclair

My dance background and love of history and spicy stories are what inspired this dark mix of contemporary romance and ballet set in a castle. Readers of my historical fiction will recognise the castle and stone circle that feature in these books.

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her charismatic new teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his school in Scotland…

A Dancer's Journey Series by Ailish Sinclair

There are no cliffhanger endings here; each book completes a story, but then there is more. So much more.

Series on Amazon UK

Series on Amazon worldwide

Series on Goodreads

A Dancer’s Journey is available in paperback, Kindle and on Kindle Unlimited.

A connected (non-spicy) series is coming in 2025! See it here.

Castle Dancers Series by Ailish Sinclair

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Reviewers can apply for Advance Reader Copies of future books here.

Writer’s Tip Jar

The First Sprinkling of Snow

first sprinkling of snow

The first sprinkling of snow. And everything feels different. Light and colours are wintry now.

early morning woods

Early mornings are dark and lit by the moon.

first sprinkling of snow

Ice makes walking perilous. But the sun still shines. And the world feels sparkly and bright.

first sprinkling of snow

Snowy Memories

The weather is strongly reminding me of when I was first writing the Dancer’s Journey series. It was a particularly snowy winter. The road to our house was blocked for two weeks, and I just lost myself in the world of the books. The ancient castle… Danger in the dungeon… Angsty romance… And snow, lots and lots of snow. I can feel the atmosphere of it quite acutely now. And it’s good.

A Dancer's Journey Series by Ailish Sinclair

Scotland’s all misty lochs and magical forests and perfect boyfriends, right?

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her rich, handsome teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his new school in Scotland…

Series on Amazon UK

Series on Amazon worldwide

From Deanne here“Very atmospheric, I could feel what the characters were feeling, feel their pain; it broke my heart and then healed it and made it sing.”

The Mermaid and the Bear

The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair

If you like castles, Scotland, history, witches, stone circles and Christmas done medieval-style, you might like THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR. There’s also a love story.

Paperback and kindle on Amazon

View full book detail page here

“A delight from end to end…” Undiscovered Scotland

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Ailish Sinclair dances in a stone circle.

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Writer’s Tip Jar

Some Dance Research in the Dungeon

Tendu: Dancing in the Castle by Ailish Sinclair

In TENDU (out now) some rather strange dance research takes place in the dungeon studio of the castle. Much has changed in the story that I first conceived thirteen years ago, but that part has stayed more or less the same.

Childhood Memories

My late father was a research scientist, and I grew up hearing about how scientific studies can be heavily influenced by those that finance them and how they can be geared to lead to desired results. They can sometimes be unscientific. And unethical. It was all very interesting, and it stuck with me.

  • I should note that Amalphia’s parents are not based on my parents. Lynn and James Treadwell (very minor characters) are an example of the narcissist/enabler dysfunction as described in the book Toxic Parents.
dancer: some dance research
Photo: David Hofmann on Unsplash – Simone (an antagonist in TENDU) vibes here…

Dance Research and Therapy

I do four grand pliés in fourth and fifth position every morning while I wait for the kettle to boil for tea. It feels like a strong way to start the day. I find it calming and grounding. And I need that just now, with a book release so close. For several years, due to illness, my legs were too weak to manage this exercise, so it’s joyous as well as beneficial.

The benefits of dance for conditions such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease are becoming quite well known, of course, and it’s dancers’ brains that get studied in my books. They have been studied quite a bit in the real world too. Examples below:

The fictional research I created is a bit different from these very serious studies. It had to have some instant and dramatic effects to be interesting as part of a novel. Different characters will believe different things about those effects over the series, and I hope it’s entertaining to read!

Tendu: Dancing in the Castle - some dance research in the dungeon

About the books

My dance background and love of history and spicy stories are what inspired this heady mix of contemporary romance and ballet set in a castle. Readers of my historical fiction will recognise the castle and stone circle that feature in these books.

A Dancer’s Journey is available in paperback and Kindle and on Kindle Unlimited.

Series on Amazon UK

Series on Amazon worldwide

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Dance and Despair: Writing What You Know on Women Writers, Women[‘s] Books.

A Dancer's Journey by Ailish Sinclair


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Read all about little old me here!

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Chocolatey Books and Colourful Trees

hot chocolate and chocolatey books

Hot chocolate. Chocolate cake. Chocolatey books. I love these things. I need them. Especially in winter, and we’re nearly there now. This is the last post of the road to winter series; I’ve finally used up all the pictures!

chocolatey books and colourful trees

Some colour clings on, though many trees are bare.

across a wee bridge to chocolatey books

It looks like this wee tree lost all its leaves at once:

Tree with autumn leaves round base

An oak and a beech at Strichen Community Park:

an oak tree and a beech tree

My Most Chocolatey Books

Fireflies and Chocolate: chocolatey books

FIREFLIES AND CHOCOLATE was inspired by the 600 children and young people who were kidnapped from Aberdeen during the 1740s and sold into indentured servitude in the American Colonies. The story follows the adventures of Elizabeth Manteith from the castle and her determined efforts to get back home. There’s love. There’s proper derring-dos on the high seas… And there’s chocolate!

I was really delighted when I learned that the publisher had used an image of a real 18th century chocolate cup on the cover.

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Filled with excitement and suspense…” Historical Novel Society

Tendu by Ailish Sinclair: chocolatey books

Enjoy a kiss on the London tube in TENDU. Eat chocolate cake in Covent Garden and Scotland. Romp up and down the castle stairs! Dance in a stone circle. Attend a Ceilidh in the great hall. Have your brain studied in the dungeon. All fun, I assure you. Well, not quite all…

“If you enjoy mentions of chocolate and lots of cake, this book is for you.” From a recent review.

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Keep up to date with all my news, chocolatey and otherwise, by signing up to the mailing list. It’s a more intimate space than the blog and always contains some exclusive photos. If you would like to hear about new books and offers, you can follow my Amazon author page.

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hot chocolate

Read all about little old me here!

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The Publishing Journey of a Ballet Novel

An aesthetic for TENDU, a ballet novel by Ailish Sinclair

Below is a post that was originally written in February 2022 when I started working on my ballet novel TENDU again. It seems fitting to pull this to the front of the blog now as that novel is finally out!

See a recent review here: “Very atmospheric, I could feel what the characters were feeling, feel their pain, it broke my heart and then healed it and made it sing.”

And the Wee Writing Lassie’s 5th pretentious question for me can be seen here: “They deviated far away from my planned plot in CABRIOLE, the second book in the series. I have to admit that what they did has made the story more unusual and interesting. Writing it any other way, as one publisher tried to get me to do, proved utterly impossible.”

Back to the Ballet Novel in 2022

I am now editing TENDU, having pulled it from the proverbial drawer where it’s been for the last three years.

I’m absolutely LOVING it. I’d forgotten quite how much FUN this book is. It also feels as if I’m connecting to a different version of myself. Me before illness took hold. Me before doctors and medication and pain. It’s doing something to me, current day me. Something good. The book is funny and witty and SO, SO naughty. I am slightly concerned that no one will be able to look me in the face again after reading it. But, hey-ho, life’s too short to worry about things like that, and I intend releasing this novel and the rest of the series in the near future.

It’s had a tumultuous publishing journey, though. And I’m sharing that today.

pointe shoes, a ballet novel, TENDU, by Ailish Sinclair
Lovely Porselli Pointe Shoes


I sent TENDU out into the world of publishers and quite a large one offered on it quickly. However, they wanted me to change something fundamental about the plot of the series (three titles) as a whole. And I couldn’t. Or, more correctly, I wouldn’t. I am always willing to make changes that will improve a book, but this was just to make it fit the guidelines of a particular romance line. It would have become formulaic. So, much to that publisher’s astonishment, I turned them down.

Note: You can find out what that notorious plot point was in CABRIOLE, out now.

Time went by.

MERMAID got accepted by a British publisher (not to be confused with the ones I’m writing about here. GWL are very organised), and then along came an offer from a small American press for TENDU. It came with amazingly generous royalties, and no big requested changes, and I accepted it.

And more time went by.

After 18 months (the time, according to the contract, by which the book should have been published) I emailed the publisher and asked when things might get going. There was no reply.

Writers Group

Into the writers group I went. This was an amazing resource. All the writers from that publisher, chatting together and, as it turned out, sharing the same tales of woe. Through the group I learned that the woman who owned the publishing house had become too ill to continue working, and she had sold the company. I had huge empathy for that. The new owner had a large backlog of books waiting to be published, and it was all taking a very long time. The slowness of publication didn’t really bother me. I was rather busy being ill, after all.

But then the stories began to change. Already published writers were not receiving royalties or statements. Cheques were bouncing. So, three years after signing the contract, I asked for my rights back. And I got them. Very politely. Very apologetically. So there are no hard feelings, and I’m not going to name the publisher. They are still going though…

ballet novel, TENDU, by Ailish Sinclair

And that’s where I am.

SISTERS is back with the editor. I’m working on a press release for it and delving deeply into TENDU. I’m loving being in the castle again, yes the same one from the other books. It’s a dance school in the modern day. I love the characters. I love the stone circle and the dancing and the chocolate and the London bits and the romance. And I love the story of this ballet novel, dark as it sometimes is.

And it all feels good.

A Dancer's Journey series by Ailish Sinclair

A Dancer’s Journey

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Series on Goodreads

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Diabolical reading


Keep up to date with all my news by signing up to the mailing list. It’s a more intimate space than the blog and always contains some exclusive photos. If you would like to hear about new books and offers, you can follow my Amazon author page.

Ailish Sinclair stares out to sea

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Writer’s Tip Jar

I’m Ailish and I write Romps

Ailish Sinclair romps in the loch
Ailish Sinclaie romps in the garden

I do. I write romps. I can’t seem to help myself. I try to write a thriller: romp. A sweet romance? Nope. That quickly went dark and rompy.

When THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR was on submission, one publisher told me they felt they were reading ‘a medieval romp’ and that they were looking for something more serious. It was a fair comment, though I assume they didn’t reach the witchcraft accusations of the story. That press has since gone out of business, so it was a lucky escape for me.

Ailish Sinclair romps upside down

The latest of the romps is OUT TODAY!

Tendu by Ailish Sinclair
TENDU: Dancing in the Castle

Scotland’s all misty lochs and magical forests and perfect boyfriends, right?

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her charismatic new teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his school in Scotland.

She’s soon dealing with her boyfriend’s obsessive ex, the strange research taking place at the castle school and her own ever-evolving relationship issues.

Amalphia works hard to be the best dancer she can be, but as tension builds within the old walls of the castle, she begins to wonder if she will ever escape the dank dark of the dungeon…

Dark, witty, sexy and fun, Tendu is a compelling and seductive story of love, dance and obsession. 

There are no cliffhanger endings in this series; each book completes a story, but then there is more. So much more.

Series on Amazon UK

Series on Amazon worldwide

Series on Goodreads

A Dancer's Journey by Ailish Sinclair

Reviews from ARC readers

  • “This book has so much representation in its characters with autism, dyslexia, medical issues and LGBTQ+ characters…” Emma-Louise on Goodreads and TikTok
  • “Knowing there are two more books in the series made it easier to accept that the tale was coming to an end. It can be so hard to finish a book when you are loving the story so much.” Molly on Amazon.com
  • “So there we have it: mad experiments, paranormal powers, exciting dance sequences and lots and lots of sex. And did I mention the mystical forces in the old stone circle?” Tom Williams on his blog, author of the James Burke historical novels.

Posts about the inspiration behind TENDU

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Reviewers can apply for Advance Reader Copies of future books here.

Writer’s Tip Jar

Dunes and Trees and Intense Writing

A break from intense writing - dunes

Back in the dunes again. Below the big sky. Between intense writing sessions.

The Intense Writing

Near the end of Fouetté, there’s a moment when Aleks is going to speak to a troubled character who needs help and counselling. He assures Amalphia that he can do this. My editor made a comment there at the side of the manuscript: “Can you, Aleks? Really?”

The events of the book that I’m working on now (a new series, hopefully coming later this year) were in the editor’s mind at that moment. And the answer to her question was, and is: no. Aleks couldn’t fix things. The troubled character’s actions and problems are giving me, and everyone in the story, including himself, an enormous amount of difficulty.

I find myself lying awake worrying about it all, like I haven’t done since the early stages of writing Cabriole. But I love him, that dear character, and it will all be okay in the end…

dunes - intense writing


There’s been a lot of rain, so I’ve been squelching through mud again as I try to get various elements of that story straight in my head.

walking in the woods between intense writing sessions

But there’s also been sunshine, and pink skies, and I know that really, all is well.

pink skies over intense writing
A storm-damaged tree against the sunset.

A Dancer’s Journey

A Dancer's Journey by Ailish Sinclair

Read the series that’s been shocking people! It’s available in paperback, kindle and on kindle unlimited.


Scotland’s all misty lochs and magical forests and perfect boyfriends, right?

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her charismatic new teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his school in Scotland…

Review snippets:

Deanne Patterson on Tendu: It broke my heart and then healed it and made it sing. Full review here.

Molly H on Cabriole: It’s truly one of the best books I’ve ever read and made me feel SO MANY FEELINGS. Full review here – some spoilers.

Tom Williams on Fouetté: I galloped through it, loving every moment. Full review here – some spoilers, especially if you haven’t read Cabriole.

Tendu by Ailish Sinclair

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Ailish Sinclair

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Reviewers can apply for Advance Reader Copies of future books here

Writer’s Tip Jar

Chasing Nacreous Clouds

nacreous clouds

Nacreous clouds have been appearing over Scotland in the last few weeks. They’re quite stunning, but my phone camera is really not up to the job of capturing the mother-of-pearl beauty of them.

This was my first attempt last week:

Nacreous clouds in a dark sky
Nacreous clouds

But then on Christmas Eve, this happened in the sky:

Nacreous clouds

I would like to say that I ran through the woods to see the clouds, but it wouldn’t be true. It was getting dark, and falling over can bring on an autoimmune flare-up, so I walked. Carefully and briskly.

Nacreous clouds through the trees

And there they were.

Nacreous clouds over water

The clouds were actually more pink than orange.

Nacreous clouds

The ‘big camera’ has had its battery charged and is awaiting another show!

Nacreous clouds in the dark

Article on nacreous clouds from the Met Office

A Dancer’s Journey is now complete

Tendu by Ailish Sinclair

My dance background and love of history and spicy stories are what inspired this dark mix of contemporary romance and ballet. Readers of my historical fiction will recognise the castle and stone circle that feature in these books.

When dance student Amalphia Treadwell embarks on a secret relationship with her charismatic new teacher, she has no idea of the danger that lurks in his school in Scotland…

A Dancer's Journey Series by Ailish Sinclair

There are no cliffhanger endings here; each book completes a story, but then there is more. So much more.

Series on Amazon UK

Series on Amazon worldwide

Series on Goodreads

A Dancer’s Journey is available in paperback, Kindle and on Kindle Unlimited.

A connected series is coming next year!

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Ailish's feet

See my About Page

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Go here to sign up for occasional emails that always include exclusive photos and news of my writing and life. They’re a bit more intimate than the blog. If you would like to hear about new books and special offers, you can follow my Amazon author page.

Reviewers can apply for Advance Reader Copies of future books here.

Writer’s Tip Jar

A Golden and Blue Writing Schedule

golden and blue harvest time
golden blue autumn

It’s all golden and blue and warm and lovely here just now. There are different feelings in the air; sometimes it seems to be autumn with blustering winds and grey skies, but then it’s hot, hot summer again. The fields are cut, and ploughing has begun.

Another wee shot from the stone circle (see previous post here):

golden and blue: ballet shoes on a stone

Golden and Blue Writing

My writing schedule is quite extreme; all will be ready for October 20th. It feels golden, as I love working on all and any aspects of these books, and a little blue as I realise I’m almost at the end.

So, I run up and down the castle stairs with my characters. I dance with them in the deep dungeon studio, the stone circle and the great hall. I eat cake in Covent Garden and enjoy an unexpected kiss on the tube. Then there’s the bad things, the dark places and the relationship woes. I cry my way through those; you know I do. But I have my chocolate buttons and my tissues, and I’ll be okay…

Tendu: Dancing in the Castle

Explore the dark and sensual world of TENDU, where love, dance and obsession intertwine.

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Tendu: Dancing in the Castle

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Writer’s Tip Jar

Some Depressing Time Travel

time travel with a book

That’s what my son said of my little video attempt below. “Wow, that’s some depressing time travel.”

Romantic Time Travel

I do like those sad stories, though. Not that they’re sad, beginning to end, these books. There’s romance in them all, happy romance, sometimes a little bit naughty too. And one of them has chocolate… No actual time travel, though. None at all.

You can be depressed by them all here in the UK, or for worldwide depression, go here.

Writing with no time travel

I’ve been writing, writing, writing, living in the intense and sexy atmosphere of A Dancer’s Journey. I love it. I don’t want to leave it. It’s fun and romantic, if a little devastating and dramatic in places. But leave it, I will, later this year, when all three books finally get released.

More on the series:

Pink Things

I’ve been enjoying the pink phase of the garden…

pink bench in a time travel post
Pink bench and cherry blossom

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Ailish's feet

Read about little old me here!

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