Dreich Days and Squelching Feet

Dreich but beautiful: trees

It’s dreich here, as we say in Scotland.

Grey. Rainy. Dull.

trees in the forest

The woods are still beautiful, though.

I like the witches’ brooms in the trees. And the wintry light.

my favourite forest path on a dreich day

The path through the forest is still a favourite place, and while the squelching of my feet is not entirely unpleasing, and I do like using the word dreich, I will welcome the brighter days when they arrive.

A New Review of Mermaid

The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair

I was quite touched by this insightful review on The Book Keep blog recently:

Not only a tribute to Scotland and its history, Ailish Sinclair’s debut novel, The Mermaid and the Bear, further excites, warms, and grips us with a tale about the dichotomies of human nature.

First and foremost, this is achieved by an entrancing blend of evocative literary styles. With mention of witchcraft and the imagery of misty woodlands and a gray, imposing church steeple, Mermaid’s mood is reminiscent of a classic Gothic novel; and yet, here and there, soaked in the colors of bright holiday feasts, pristine snowy landscapes, and a pink stone castle, the air of a Medieval fairytale shimmers with a dreamlike quality.

Mermaid on Amazon

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Ailish's feet

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25 Replies to “Dreich Days and Squelching Feet”

  1. I gotta be honest, though I am not such a big fan of the UK, it’s nature has always stunned me. Those photos especially struck me as perfectly capturing the essence of that almost mythical beauty and peace and enchantment.

  2. I’m so happy to have come across your book, and I hope that my review will bring you new readers to appreciate your beautiful storytelling! (Also, drelch is such a fun word, though I, too, look forward to sunnier, warmer days!)

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