Woodland Pictures from the Time of Lockdown

misty woodland pictures

These woodland pictures were originally posted in 2020 during lockdown.

Lost in Writing

I am lost in writing. I am in the Iron Age. Second draft. Rough edges. Rough middle. Super-rough ending. Full of raw emotion. The manuscript is ragged with it, as am I.

2022 edit: the book is out now

Misty Woodland Pictures

I revel in timeless pictures and misty woods. And lockdown has not kept those from me. I know I am lucky in this, and hope you are all finding some beauty too.

woodland pictures

There’s been tree felling here, so soon after Aikey. The wider world is strange and changed, and the immediate world mimics it in metaphor.


This post seems to be approaching a pretentious overuse of literary devices, especially alliteration… Things may be odd, but there’s no excuse for that!

Scots pines in lockdown: woodland pictures

Scots Pines. Sturdy and strong. Oops.

hazel trees on the skyline: woodland pictures

I love the gnarly nature of the hazel trees. It could have been worse. I could have added the word ‘nutty’. But just for a moment, I am going to give in to this curious compulsion…

mists over trees: misty woodland pictures

There have been many misty mornings. And with that one terrible sentence, it is gone…

Wild Scottish cherry blossom.

The gean trees (wild Scottish cherry) are blossoming.

sunset sky during lockdown

Sunsets are wonderful. And the moon is too.

A woodland quote from THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR:

Sisters at the Edge of the World (mentioned above)

The Romans called it the edge of the world

Set in 1st century Scotland, SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD includes the battle of Mons Graupius between the Romans and the Caledonian tribes. The book features a neurodivergent main character and some rather complicated romance!

“Ethereal and spellbinding….” Historical Novel Society

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Amazon Worldwide

See the press release here

Read the article Roman Aberdeenshire features in author’s new book from Grampian Online.


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Ailish Sinclair in a tree...

Read all about little old me here

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112 Replies to “Woodland Pictures from the Time of Lockdown”

  1. I’m enjoying your overuse of “pretentious literary devices”. The pictures are just wonderful.
    Writing is saving me; both Petronela and I are confined to our small flat for 12 weeks or more but enjoying the fine weather bringing noticeably cleaner air through our open windows. I’m trying to finish the novella begun more than two years ago, interrupted by occasional flash fiction and ‘poetry’ (I hesitate to call it that!).
    The small girl living across the street has drawn a a superb ‘bow’ to VE day which has prompted me to write a children’s story, bringing in that I bought some books she was selling from a ‘stall’ set up in her driveway a year ago and sent them to my three small friends in Latvia. Of course one of them sent her best unicorn to collect them. It helps that they, rather like you, live in a ‘forest’ which is of course enchanted and has many unicorns. I’ll likely do a post about this when I’ve finished the story.
    Take care, stay safe Ailish.

    1. The unicorns do rather clog up the forest sometimes, but you learn to live with it! I’m glad you’re busy with writing too Grumpytyke 🙂

  2. Beautiful pictures of woodlands, Ailish, and I love the mists. Like you, I revel in woods and forests, and I don’t know what I’d have done without my wanders around them during these past months. Your writing sounds exciting, and I love the quote from the Mermaid and the Bear – I was right there on the woodland path. Glad the writing is keeping you busy. 🙂

  3. Wonderful photos. I loved the various trees, but my biggest smile was the comment about sunsets and pictures of the moon. I have tried many time to get a great moon picture, and I just don’t have the right camera.

    1. Each era is different. The further back you go, the less documented history there is and archaeology becomes important in research.

  4. What is unseen in the mist and spring-soft twigs must be where your imagination thrives. It is all so beautiful. Thanks for your pictures and your beautiful words. Stay strong and safe.

  5. A post bursting with bountiful beauty. LOL. I think alliteration is allowed and prized in poetry, and the series of photos as well as your thoughts carried a poetic rhythm I found appealing. I’m glad you followed your muse, and it made me smile to have you so amused by it. Take care, and Happy Writing!

  6. Love the photos, the alliteration and the fact you’re writing. I just finished my third revision. Wishing your rough parts to become beautiful and your good parts amazing!

  7. So breathtaking, especially the first one and MORE especially, the third one in my opinion. Thanks for the follow, and you’ve earned my follow, too, with your beautiful photography skills!

  8. I love the misty images you shared, Ailish, and I found myself chuckling at your prose. I, for one, feel uplifted when reading alliterations. So, thank you, dear wordsmith, from this cackling crone. 😉

  9. Hi Ailish! I am completely immersed in The Mermaid and The Bear, having just finished part I. Such beautiful prose and vivid imagery– it is entirely transporting, and I am savoring every page! Would it be all right with you if I feature it in a post on The Inquisitive Inkpot, giving a review? I promise not to publish anything on it until thoroughly finishing, as I am sure there are some unforeseen twists lying ahead. 🙂

  10. Just stumbled across your blog , we must have trodden so often in each other’ s footsteps . Aikey, Lenabo, Alvah , Old Pitsligo , the list goes on . If your books are as good as your photos , I’m in for a treat .

  11. Hello! Thanks for following my blog! Now I follow yours as well! Scotland is a beautiful country and the Brittish isles in general are a place I would certainly visit some day. I Will Enjoy your pictures for sure! Peace! ❤️

  12. Those are lovely. Speaking as someone who loves their bed in the morning, this makes me want to get up early and go for a walk to find me some misty woodlands.

  13. The photo with the moon, skeletal trees and all those purple and blues in the sky….

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