Originally posted August 2022. I went out for the day. I ended up visiting so many places that it felt like having a whole holiday in a day. It’s been a really long time since I did this. There’s been wee local trips here and there since this latest bout of illness. But it’s been years, literally, since I’ve been out in this way. Other ill times and lockdowns all stopped play for me in this regard.
I didn’t know how far I’d get, so just took one small step of the journey at a time, sharing on Twitter and Instagram as I went.
Holiday in a Day: the Red Well

First was the Red Well by Whitehills. I won’t write about it now as it features in SISTERS and deserves its own post (see that post here). It was beautiful, though, and provided a gentle start to the outing.
Portsoy Harbour
A little further up the coast, I came to the wonderfully scenic Portsoy Harbour, its window and dolphin sculpture also pictured above.

Speymouth Forest
The trip was going well, so on I went, and soon reached deep and dark Speymouth Forest.

I didn’t walk far, but there was so much beauty to be seen everywhere in the old woodland.

Lots of little pathways.

Biblical Garden
On and on I travelled, still feeling good. I took a walk in the Biblical Garden at Elgin. This garden contains 110 plants that are mentioned in the bible. It’s an interesting and peaceful place to visit, maintained by the horticultural students of Moray College.


A rainbow:

Then the fear kicked in. Two competing fears actually. One that I might exhaust myself back into being ill, and the other that I might become ill again so should do as much as possible in one day.
I compromised by sitting quietly by the sea at Sandend for a while before heading home.

I made a short TikTok video of the day. I am new on there and really don’t know what I’m doing yet. Any advice welcome!
Sisters at the Edge of the World
Set in 1st century Scotland, SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD includes the battle of Mons Graupius between the Romans and the Caledonian tribes. The book features a neurodivergent main character and some rather complicated romance…
“Ethereal and spellbinding….” Historical Novel Society
See the article Roman Aberdeenshire features in author’s new book from Grampian Online.

More Books

Set in an Aberdeenshire castle, THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR features the Scottish witchcraft accusations, a handsome Laird, an ancient stone circle and a love story.
FIREFLIES AND CHOCOLATE was inspired by the 18th century kidnapped children of Aberdeen and is set in both Scotland and Colonial Pennsylvania.
Paperbacks and kindle: Amazon UK or Amazon Worldwide
“Filled with excitement and suspense…” Historical Novel Society

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Thank you for being you. Every time you post, I have gone home again.
That’s so nice 🙂
I wonder what stories did you think about while walking by a half broken wall on the road… 🙂
Many stories, as ever 🙂
So many beautiful things you brought to us in a day. Thank you for sharing your journey; may it be the beginning of new strength for you. I will be so glad to read SISTERS.
Thank you so very much 🙂
Love the photo of the dolphin sculpture, Ailish. Thanks for sharing
It is a lovely piece of art.
It looks idyllic. I am glad you got lots out of being out there. Thank you for a glimpse of so many amazing places
It was rather an idyllic day 🙂
I am particularlh taken with the dolphin sculpture. It’s very kinetic.
It is cleverly done.
Sounds and looks like it was a lovely day for you. Bravo!
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos from your outing! I’m glad you were well enough to make the journey.
Thank you 🙂
I always enjoy your lovely photos, Ailish. Thank you. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Thank you 🙂
Great pictures of some idyllic scenes. Glad you could share your enjoyment.
Thank you 🙂
I enjoyed your one-day holiday virtually. My sister and I visited Scotland a few years ago. Several places you mentioned were familiar to me — Portsoy and Elgin, especially. I’ll always remember the spectacular flowers in Elgin. I wish we could grow such gorgeous flowers here in North Carolina. I enjoy your blog.
There are lots of lovely flowers up that way. I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Thank you for sharing your photos of your time exploring for the day.
You’re welcome 🙂
It’s nice that you got to visit these beautiful places. The pictures are lovely too. The Biblical garden fascinated me! I wonder who came up with that idea!
It was a horticulturist. There’s a bit more about it here: https://britishheritage.com/travel/elgin-biblical-garden
Being careful is certainly advisable, but I am so glad to see that you can do these trips at all! So beautiful photos!
I have good memories from Elgin. My friend and I spent two days there on the first Scotland trip. The hostel warden was very surprised “nobody stays two nights in Elgin”. We did, after having been in Inverness, we appreciated Elgin. (It was during main European summer school holidays, Inverness was packed.)
It has a lot going for it, Elgin. So often it’s just a place that people pass through on their way to other things. I’m glad you enjoyed your stay.