Work on the new book is forging ahead nicely. The aim is for it to be released this summer, but that may be subject to change.
The book released on the 21st of September 2022.
“Ethereal and spellbinding….” Historical Novel Society
See the article Roman Aberdeenshire features in author’s new book from Grampian Online.

Thank you
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on publishing options. My publisher, too, gave me lots of wonderful advice and information, and while they would have been willing to look at the manuscript, despite its shortness and strangeness, I am choosing to self-publish this novel.
Thanks also to everyone who has donated through Kofi. With traditional publishing there is no cost to the author (remember that, don’t be taken in by vanity presses posing as traditional pubs; there’s a lot of them about), but this time I’ll be paying for everything myself, so thank you so much!
Being ill, having chronic conditions and facing my own mortality have made me want to experience things while I can. And if those things can be accomplished sitting at my desk, all the easier. So, it’ll be an adventure! That’s how I’m thinking of it anyway…
Aspects of the book
- The main characters are fiercely bonded chosen sisters. Can their bond survive betrayal and perhaps even death? (Already attempting to write the blurb here).
- The story is set in the 1st century CE and features the battle of Mons Graupius between the Roman invaders and the Caledonian tribes.
- There’s romance, but it’s rather complicated romance this time.
- The stone circle is still there in all its glory.
- The castle is not, obviously, but there is a great round house where it will be one day. And a wee hoosie in the woods.

Edit in: and now it has a cover!

Do sign up to my occasional mailing list to be kept abreast of developments and also for exclusive photos…
The traditionally published books

FIREFLIES AND CHOCOLATE was inspired by the 18th century kidnapped children of Aberdeen.
Set in an Aberdeenshire castle, THE MERMAID AND THE BEAR features the Scottish witchcraft accusations and a love story.
Paperbacks and kindle: Amazon UK or Amazon Worldwide
“Filled with excitement and suspense…” Historical Novel Society Editor’s Pick
Congratulations on your progress to date! The description of your work in progress, Sisters at the Edge of the World, reminded me of Kelsey Bryant’s vintage Jane Austen book, Suit and Suitability. A wonderful historical fiction set in the 1930s, based on structural elements and characters from Austen’s novel, Sense and Sensibility. Kelsey’s research efforts gave her work an authentic feeling and added to the book’s emotions.
Kelsey has helped me with copyediting and proofreading (amazing!), and I enjoyed helping her create a short book trailer (YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qrA7IQdpyo). It was easy and fun putting together the video using her Amazon book blurb and Canva Pro.
With your fantastic photos, I encourage you to create a book trailer. Your images paired with music would be stunning in a video!
Interesting idea!
a couple of great pictures! thank you..
Good luck with the new book. I hope it will be a best seller.
Thank you 🙂
Already looking forward to this title – it sounds fantastic!
Thank you so much 🙂
How intriguing. I love the idea of “fiercely bonded chosen sisters,” and having a stone circle is icing on the cake.
Thank you 🙂
I am as excited about this one as I was about your last!
Thank you Noelle 🙂
I’m looking forward to reading this!
Thank you 🙂
Sounds interesting, you know we’ll help with reviews later on.
Thank you Rosie. I’ll certainly be submitting it to your wonderful team 🙂
Sounds fascinating. Good luck with it.
Thank you!
Well done, Ailish. Best of luck with the new book and with your continuing health problems xx
Thank you Clare 🙂
Kofi allowed me to donate even though I am an American, and it did the monetary exchange, so fine, and easy. I love your books and look forward to reading the next. Self publishing can be so creative and unfettered by market opinions. I can’t wait to read “sisters.”
Thank you so much 🙂 I have sent you a message through Kofi too.
I look forward to it, very much!
Thank you Terry 🙂
Wonderful news! Will be adding it to my TBR list when it’s out. Congrats!
Thank you Sarah 🙂
Congratulations for your new book ! Hope it will make people very much happy .
Thank you. I hope that too!
You are welcome stay blessed. ❤
lots of look! I’ve always been wary of publishing myself because I reckon you need to spend as much time marketing it as writing it and that isn’t what I want to do with my time. But maybe you are more media savvy than me. But hope it does viral quickly!
Thank you! Traditional publishers, big and small, expect you to do a lot of your own marketing these days too, so I am used to it 🙂
All the best for your book Ailish. Sounds intriguing
Thank you 🙂
Hello, Ms. Sinclair. I’m glad to have found you, or, for you to have found me, as the case may be. I lived in Scotland, in Dunoon, Argyllshire, for about five years as a kid. I’ve never forgotten it. I was always an Aberdeen supporter. Most of my friends, Celtic or Rangers supporters, called them sheep shaggers. No matter, I like red, so Hail Pittodrie. Your books look really interesting and I want to read them. Fortunately, my wife is a librarian and will gladly work on getting them included in their catalogue. I really like historical fiction, like Michael Shaara, Bernard Cornwell and Sharon Kay Penman: Big stories about big events. As soon as I get the chance to read one, I’ll be blowing it up on my blog.
Hello Kenny 🙂 My paternal grandparents met in Dunoon! The books are in the library service, so I hope you enjoy reading them.
Did I mention I’m a Yank? No matter, I wrote down the titles of your books and gave them to my Wife. She loves stories like these, so she’s on the hunt for them. Judging from what I have heard about how hard it is to keep Diana Gabaldon on the shelf, you should be a big hit. When Random House or someone like that picks you up and sends you out on a book tour, be certain to make a stop in Asheville, North Carolina.
One last question, I’m sure you’re busy. Is it Ale-ish or Eye-lish? Inquiring minds want to know.
My books are published by a small independent UK publisher but I have heard of people getting their libraries in the USA to obtain them, so hopefully your wife will be in luck!