Diabolical and Deranged: Writing and Blood

Diabolical and deranged. These are words that have been said about me, or aspects of me, in the last few days. I like diabolical the best. My editor said it about the plot twists in CABRIOLE (book 2 of A Dancer’s Journey series). And she’s right. They are diabolical. And now they’re making other people cry too, not just me. It feels a little wrong to be delighted about such a thing, but it shows that the book is ticking the proper emotional boxes. So, I’m pleased. And diabolical.

Update: the whole series is out now!

Series on Amazon UK

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Series on Goodreads

Page with blurbs and quotes

Dance and Despair: Writing What You Know on Women Writers, Women[‘s] Books.

Diabolical reading

And Deranged?

It’s not my mind that’s deranged, but my blood. So I was told by a specialist nurse this week. And that’s not so much fun. There are to be more tests. And treatment. And, hopefully, my blood will arrange itself in a more pleasing manner soon.

Some Diabolical and Deranged Street Art

diabolical street art in Fraserburgh

I rather like the side of this wee cottage in Fraserburgh. Great movement and verve there from the artist.

Sisters at the Edge of the World

Ethereal and spellbinding... says the Historical Novel Society of SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD

Set in 1st century Scotland, SISTERS AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD includes the battle of Mons Graupius between the Romans and the Caledonian tribes. The book features a neurodivergent main character and some rather complicated romance.

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Read the article Roman Aberdeenshire features in author’s new book from Grampian Online.


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47 Replies to “Diabolical and Deranged: Writing and Blood”

  1. I think you are neither diabolical or deranged – except for your blood, which I pray will sort itself soon – but a wonderfully creative writer. If that’s what it takes, then OK!

  2. Best wishes for your test and really a nice post!
    And please just don’t be panic. Take a deep breath and believe that you can do that! Because we believe you can

  3. I know allllll about deranged blood, and derangement of the body…jajaja (laughing in Spanish). I really hope that they figure it out, and that you’re feeling well. I’m really enjoying exploring your work. : )

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